
Atalasoft Knowledge Base

FAQ: Where Have All The 11.4 Demos Gone?


NOTE: This article is about the 11.4 specific versions of our legacy demos...
if you're looking for demos for our current version, please see
INFO: Current DotImage, WingScan, DotPdf, and DotTwain Sample Applications (Sources)

11.0 (and forward) removed our .NET 2.0 dlls and replaced them with .NET 3.5 dlls. Likewise, we removed our .NET 4.0 dlls and replaced them with .NET 4.5.2 dlls.

11.4 added new .NET 5.0 dlls (for use in .NET 5 and .NET 6) - there were some features /dlls removed (See INFO: Changes Introduced in DotImage 11.4)

If you need 11.3-compatible versions of these demos, please see
FAQ: Where Have All The 11.3 Demos Gone?

If you need 11.2-compatible versions of these demos, please see
FAQ: Where Have All The 11.2 Demos Gone?

If you need 11.1-compatible versions of these demos, please see
FAQ: Where Have All The 11.1 Demos Gone?

If you need 11.0-compatible versions of these demos, please see
FAQ: Where Have All The 11.0 Demos Gone?

If you need 10.7-compatible versions of these demos, please see
FAQ: Where have all the 10.7 Demos Gone?

If you're a long-time user of DotImage, you may remember back to when we used to include a whole bunch of really nifty demos along with the installation of the SDK - full sources and compiled apps.

The problem we ran into was that the demos were causing the installer to get really big - they added about 100MiB to the download. So the decision was made to move them to an online Sample Application Gallery.

On May 1, 2015, we redesigned the web site and the sample application gallery was reduced to just a few key demos that were the most commonly asked for/used. However, over the years, Support and our customers have found many of those other demos to be useful.

So, without further delay: here is a list of links to those "Legacy Demos"


Most Common / Popular

Other Demos

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Original Article:

Q10412 - FAQ: Where Have All The Demos Gone?

Last Modified: 5 Months Ago
Last Modified By: Tananda
Type: FAQ
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Article has been viewed 446 times.
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