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April 2006 - Posts

Stupid NUnit Tricks

Being a natural factorer, I wrote a suite of tests to be run by NUnit using the following structure: private void PerformStyleTest(string testFile, FontStyle expectedStyle) { // ... // Check to see that expectedStyle matches the results // ... boring
Posted by Steve Hawley | 1 Comments

Another vote for breadth

Yesterday I wrote/designed code that touched on image processing, feature recognition, particle physics, data filtering, and anti-counterfeiting techniques. A lot of invention is not merely coming up with something brand new, but finding ways to synthesize
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

So Where Does the Time Go?

We're starting up an intern program this summer for students to create an application. I won't go into detail about the application right now, but I will talk about some design process. During the start of the internship program, I'm going to be fairly
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

Why All the Assembly Language

Let's be frank, most of my blog entries have referenced assembly language in some way or another. Why? Why do I, in an environment in which I have a compiler and a high-level debugger and a bunch of other slick tools, talk so much about assembly language
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

Iterating over a .NET Assembly

This thread gave me an idea: how do I write code that can iterate over every class within an assembly and do something interesting with them in a nice, general, reusable way? In .NET you have a fair amount of control in terms of being able to explore
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

Code Writing Code

When you strive for optimization in code, there come times when it is apparent that you can use a table lookup instead of a calculation. Typing in a table of any significant size is both error-prone and time-consuming. So don't. And when I say that, I
Posted by Steve Hawley | 1 Comments