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Pizza As UI Part II

In Part I, I wrote about the effect of information overload, poor communication, and misplaced convenience on user experience.  I’m going to discuss information overload in more detail and speak in a more meta sense about tools. Once again, I’m going

Pizza as UI Part I

I’m going to discuss the user experience at a local pizza restaurant as a model for what not to do in user interface design. In Easthampton, there used to be a pizza place called Pizza Wings and Things – it closed and was purchased by a place call Antonio’s

This Doesn’t Have to Be Broken

In this post , Lou refers to a Seth Godin’s talk about the way things can be broken .  I watched Godin’s talk, and entertaining as it is, it is missing an aspect which I think should be part of every “this is broken” statement: “…and here’s how to
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments
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Good UI

Usually, I like to complain about bad UI. That's easy. There is so much bad UI in the world, it's hard not to. I try to take an extra step and describe how to fix the bad UI to make it better. For a change, I'd like to point out one small piece of good
Posted by Steve Hawley | 1 Comments
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