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July 2009 - Posts

Weighted Random Numbers

Maybe it’s all how many of the geeky kids in my generation played D&D, but there’s something about random numbers that brings out the geeks in droves. I answered a question on stack overflow on how to weight random numbers more in a particular range
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

Design Patterns and Practice

As part of a larger program of career development and training, Lou and I have been moderating weekly discussions of the Gang of Four design patterns.  Each week, two engineers are each assigned a pattern to learn and to present.  The presentations
Posted by Steve Hawley | 2 Comments

What Is Scrum?

One of the many reasons that I like working at Atalasoft it that the company is open to creativity, and open to creative change.  We have regular staff meetings that were OK.  You know, you mostly sit and take them in, but really not a lot of
Posted by Steve Hawley | 3 Comments

Try Not to Hate Your Customers

A few years ago Atalasoft bought me a Cingular 8525, a phone made by HTC running Windows Mobile 5. It was the top of the line model at the time and quite a nice phone. I used it for writing prototype code to see if the mobile market was ready yet for
Posted by Steve Hawley | 2 Comments

How I Learned to Start Worrying and Distrust the Bomb

This is a post about a serious bug I turned up in the Microsoft C++ compilers that target CLI (both Managed C++ and C++/CLI). One of the key concepts in software engineering is Design by Contract .  Design by Contract boils down to “say what you
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments
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