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July 2008 - Posts

Giving a Technical Presentation

After attending and presenting at IPCV '08, I saw a number of presentations that could've been a lot better. I thought maybe the issue was that there weren't sufficient resources on how to give a technical presentation, so I did a quick google search

A Tribute To Robert Carroll

I found out last night that my high school physics teacher, Robert Carroll, passed away very recently. He was a teacher that was hard as nails and had it in his mind that he was going to push his students closer to their actual abilities rather than to

Debugging Code in the GAC - the best thing since sliced bread

I've been playing around with writing a VS Project Template that includes a Wizard implemented in C#. I had done something similar many years ago when the only choice was C++, and boy have things gotten way better. Before doing anything else, I read a

WorldComp and IPCV 08 Day 4 - Wrap Up

Day 4 was the last day and for me it was a blur. There were a number of sessions that were missing half their speakers, and my eyes were starting to glaze over from some of the talks that featured a 'wall of math'. One talk that stood out was a math professor
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

WorldComp and IPCV 08 Day Three

The length of the conference is certainly taking its toll. Between the long days, my body has been trying wake me up in a different time zone. Day three was dedicated to multimedia and compression. There were a number of talks that were beyond my attention
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

WorldComp and IPCV Day 2

Day two had a great deal of work concerning feature extraction. Yesterday seemed to be about putting things into images and today was getting things out. A few things that caught my eye were some segmentation and classification work, hand tracking and
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

WorldComp and IPCV 08 Day 1

I'm blogging from the road in Vegas and posting this from my phone. I'm using Opera on a WM6 device and it seems to work admirably. Our flight was delayed on the outbound side so we ended up getting 4 hours of sleep in a hotel in Milwaukee before heading
Posted by Steve Hawley | 1 Comments

Off to IPCV08

Next week Rick and I will be in Las Vegas at IPCV08, part of WorldComp . In addition to being a huge industry conference with a lot of interesting sessions, I'll be presenting a paper on accelerating the Hough Transform. My session is on Thursday July
Posted by Steve Hawley | 0 Comments

Don't Be Stupid (like me)

I had a frustrating situation last week. I was trying to debug some unmanaged code through a managed project and discovered that something had happened to my system such that it was impossible to start up a project with unmanaged debugging turned on.

How to Build a Managed/Unmanaged Library

If you are tasked with exposing an unmanaged library through managed code, there are several approached that you can take. The approach you take will depend upon what format your unmanaged code is in. If you are given an unmanaged dll, it is sensible